Penerapan Model PJBL Berbantuan Aplikasi Canva Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SD Negeri 066650 Medan Kota.

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Amirul Iman Nasution


This study aims to determine: (1) the mathematics learning outcomes of students at SD Negeri 066650 Medan Kota class 5A before the application of the Canva-assisted PJBL learning model, (2) the mathematics learning outcomes of students at SD Negeri 066650 Medan Kota class 5A after the application of the Canva-assisted PJBL learning model.This type of research was classroom action research (CAR) conducted at SD Negeri 066650 class 5A with a total of 22 students, consisting of 15 male students and 7 female students.The findings in this study showed: (1) students experienced some difficulties in solving several questions. (2) after giving action in cycle I, the class average value was 55.90 with 14 students (64%) having reached the level of mastery learning while 8
people (36%) did not achieve learning completeness. (3) in cycle II an average score of 91% was obtained with the number of students who had achieved completeness of 20 people (91%), while there were 2 students with 9% who did not reach the graduation target. (4) the Canva-assisted PJBL learning model can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes because it makes it easier for students to learn in accordance with the abilities of each student.



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