Peran Ilmu Komunikasi dalam Penyampaian Nilai-nilai Agama dan Moral di Madrasah Aliyah
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Challenges in teaching religious and moral values, such as a lack of student engagement, diversity in cultural backgrounds, and limited use of communication technology, are the primary focus of this study. This study aims to analyze the role of communication science in the delivery of religious and moral values by teachers to students at Madrasah Aliyah Private (MAS) Cilendek Tasikmalaya City. This study explores aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication, the use of technology, and interaction dynamics that affect learning effectiveness. This research uses a qualitative approach with direct observation, in-depth interviews with teachers, and group discussions with students. The results of the study show that appropriate communication strategies, both verbal and non-verbal, as well as the use of technology can increase the understanding and internalization of religious and moral values among students. The main challenges teachers face include the diversity of student backgrounds and the lack of attention in the classroom. Empathic and assertive communication has proven to be an effective tool in building a good relationship between teachers and students.
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