Analisis Penerapan Metode SAS (Struktural Analisis Sintetik) Menggunakan Media Kartu Huruf Pada Tema 5 Pengalamanku Siswa Kelas II

  • Ike Nurjannah Universitas Muslim Nusantara AL-Washliyah
Keywords: Struktural Analisis Sintetik, Kartu huruf, Tematik, Pengalamanku.


This study aims to determine the application of the SAS (Synthetic Structural Analysis) method using letter card media on the theme 5 of my experience for second grade students at SDN 064961 Medan Maimun. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The instruments used in this study were observation and interviews and documentation. Data collection techniques in this study used observation sheets, interviews and documentation. The participants selected by the researcher were class II teachers and 15 students. The results of this study indicate that the teacher only carries out 6 of the 14 phases according to the syntax of the SAS method. The application of the SAS method has been carried out well, student responses to learning using the SAS method with letter cards are said to be positive and it can be concluded that learning using the SAS method using letter card media has been able to be followed by students. The application of the SAS method is quite good and successful when viewed from the fulfillment of the criteria for implementing the learning steps and also the participation and enthusiasm of students in learning.


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How to Cite
Nurjannah, I. (2023). Analisis Penerapan Metode SAS (Struktural Analisis Sintetik) Menggunakan Media Kartu Huruf Pada Tema 5 Pengalamanku Siswa Kelas II . EduGlobal: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2(4), 423-430.