Pengembangan Media Pop-Up Book Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Materi Daur Hidup Hewan Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
The aim of this development research is to describe the feasibility of pop-up book media for science subjects on animal life cycles for grade IV elementary schools in improving student learning outcomes. With this media, it is hoped that there will be an increase in student learning outcomes based on the values of validity, practicality and effectiveness of the media obtained during the research. In the process, ADDIE is used as a development stage which consists of 5 stages, namely the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages. The subjects in this research are media expert validators, material expert validators and learning expert validators who will assess the feasibility of the Pop Up Book media being developed. The object in this research is the Pop Up Book media for science subjects, material on animal life cycles in class IV which was developed. The results of the research and development carried out by the researcher can be concluded that the researcher and development used the stages of the ADDIE model, thus the researcher only used 3 stages with the steps of analysis, design, development which has produced a product. in the form of Pop-Up Book media on the theme of metamorphosis for class IV elementary school. Based on the score results from the feasibility of the Pop-Up Book learning media which has been validated by media experts with a score of 77%, material experts with a score of 94% and teacher responses with a score of 94%, then the media development The Pop-Up Book learning on the theme of metamorphosis developed by the researcher is in the Very Suitable category for use as a learning medium for fourth grade elementary school students.
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