Pengembangan Media Petaya Berbasis Saintifik Tema Indahnya Keberagaman Di Negeriku Kelas IV SD
This research is entitled Development of PETAYA Media Based on Scientific Approach Theme of Beauty of Diversity in My Country. This research is motivated by the low interest in student learning and the absence of the development of a Cultural Map. This study aims to describe: (1) the development of PETAYA media in integrated thematic learning for grade IV SD (2) improve student learning outcomes by using PETAYA media in learning theme 7 the beauty of diversity in my country for grade IV SD Swasta Agung Persada. This type of research is development research or R&D (Research and Development). As well as in the process of collecting data using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) but this research has only reached the stage (Development) of the PETAYA media that has been developed and is validated by several experts providing comments and suggestions regarding the developed PETAYA media. . Validation by material experts gets a score of 87% and is declared valid, media expert validation gets a score of 84% and is declared valid, teacher response validation gets a score of 94% and is declared valid and carried out in two stages. From what was done, the results of the assessment of material experts, media experts and teacher responses gave an opinion that the PETAYA media in the thematic learning of the beauty of diversity in my country that was developed was valid and very suitable for use in the learning process.
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