The Effectiveness Of Applying Mind Mapping Strategy On The Students’ Speaking Ability Of Sma Dharma Bakti Medan

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Selli Selvia Pinem
Yulia Sari Harahap


This research is concerned with applying mind mapping strategy in increasing students’ speaking ability. The aim of the research is to find out if applying mind mapping strategy increases the students’ speaking ability. The research is conducted by experimental method. The population of the research is the tenth grade of SMA Dharma Bakti Medan in academic year 2021-2022. They consist of 120 students and the sample consist of 80 students then divided in two groups, 40 students as experimental group and 40 students as control group. The experimental group is taught by applying mind mapping strategy and the control group without applying mind mapping strategy. The writer uses oral test communication as instrument of the research. The test is explain the students exercise sheet. The score of the test obtained from fluency, pronunciation and comprehension. After applying the test to the students, the writes analyzed the data by using the formula of t-test commonly used. After calculating and analyzing the data, it is concluded that is higher that (5.55>1.66). it showed that there is a significant difference. The pre-test mean score of experimental is 50.38 and post-test is 76.80, the difference 26.42. the value is bigger than (5.55> 1.66) degree freedom is 70, and the level of significance is 0.05. the result is applying mind mapping strategy gives significant effect on the students’ speaking ability. Concerning the result of t-test above, it shows that applying mind mapping strategy can increase the students’ speaking ability. It is concluded the hypothesis of this study is accepted.



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