Bimbingan Baca Tulis Al-Quran Pada Komunitas Mualaf Di Sumalangka Minahasa
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The Quran literacy program for the Muslim converts (mualaf) community in Sumalangka Village, Minahasa Regency, is a community service activity facilitated by the Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Manado. This program aims to provide basic skills in reading and writing Quranic script to the converts within the community. The community consists of 15 new converts who previously lacked the ability to read and write the Quran. The program was conducted over 10 days, involving 15 participants as beneficiaries and three facilitators who acted as mentors. The teaching method employed was a practical approach, enabling participants to learn the material directly and progressively. The results of this program showed a significant improvement in Quranic literacy skills, with all participants successfully recognizing, reading, and writing Quranic letters. This program has had a positive impact on enhancing religious literacy and supporting the converts in leading a better religious life. They require specialized and ongoing assistance to reach an advanced level of Quranic literacy.
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