Peningkatan Nilai Jual Susu Kefir Melalui Inovasi Kemasan Di Desa Giripurno

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Alfina Noviyani
Renova Panjaitan
Erwan Adi Saputro


Packaging is one of the important things in the processing of a product. Packaging has a big role to influences consumer interest. This training aims to help the the group of Dasawisma Women to make an unique and attractive kefir milk packaging. The packaging can increase the selling value and attractiveness of kefir milk. The implementation method consists of three steps, namely the preparation step, the implementation step and the evaluation step. The preparatory stage was carried out by collecting the right packaging and labeling concepts for kefir milk products. The implementation step was carried out by outreach to the Dasawisma Giripurno Women's Group. The evaluation step is carried out with discussions to determine the level of understanding of the participants. The result of this activity is the packaging and label for the giripurno kefir milk product. The selection of colors, materials and the determination of brand names and label can be adjusted according to needs and designed simply so that consumers can easily remember them. From the training, an unique and attractive packaging and label were obtained to be used as a marketing strategy for Giripurno Kefir Milk products.


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How to Cite
Noviyani, A., Panjaitan, R., & Saputro, E. A. (2023). Peningkatan Nilai Jual Susu Kefir Melalui Inovasi Kemasan Di Desa Giripurno. Amaliah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 7(2), 267-271.