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Bait Al-Hikmah was founded in the 9th century in Baghdad by Caliph Al-Ma'mun. It was one of the most influential institutions in Islamic intellectual history. It served as a centre for translation, research and education. Bait Al-Hikmah played a crucial role in the maintenance and development of the Islamic intellectual treasury. Through the translation of Greek, Persian and Indian works into Arabic, the institution succeeded in enriching knowledge and creating a dynamic academic environment. Therefore, this study examines historically how the tradition of preserving Islamic intellectual treasures developed in Bait Al-Hikmah. By highlighting the contributions of the scholars and scholars who worked at the institution, this study illustrates how the Temple became a centre of culture and science that not only preserved but also developed new ideas in various disciplines, such as philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and medicine. So this research will be able to analyse the values of Islamic education reflected in the tradition of preserving intellectual treasures, such as love of knowledge (ḥubb al-'ilm), hard work (juhd), and collaboration (ta'āwun). By studying the history of Bait Al-Hikmah, it can be seen how important educational institutions are in maintaining and developing knowledge, and how these principles can be applied in the context of education.