PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature <p style="text-align: justify;">Philology: Journal Of English Language and Literature publishes academic articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, disciplines, and more. The journal invites submission of Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; Literature, Linguistics, translation and Teaching English as Foreign Language. The articles must be written in English but the abstract must be written in English and Indonesian. Philology: Journal Of English Language and Literature is published twice a year in February and August by English Literature Department, Faculty Of Letters, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah. The publication of this journal aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas and the research findings obtained in the field of Literature and English Education.</p> en-US (PJELL) (Vera Kristiana) Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:48:31 +0000 OJS 60 A MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF WORD FORMATION PROCESS IN MOVIE SCRIPT “THE FLASH” <p><em>This study aims to identify the types of word formation processes that appear in the movie script “The Flash” and then to find out the dominant type in the data. The process of word formation is one of the important things to analyze because without realizing it often occurs&nbsp; in daily conversations, as well as in the conversation of a movie. This research uses a qualitative research method. The data used in The Movie script “The Flash” Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" consists of 61 script pages. In this study, there are several types used by researcher to collect and analyze data, including reading the script, identifying words, classification based on types of word formation process, describing data, and finally making conclusions. The results of this study show that there are 10 types of word formation process based on Yule’s theory. Researcher found 156 words from 6 types of word formation process and 4 other types were not found, including derivation (prefix, infix, suffix) 60 words (93,6), compounding 46 words (71,76%), blending 36 words (56,16%), back-formation 6 words (9,36%), acronym 6 words (9,36%), clipping 2 words (3,12%). Coinage, borrowing, conversion, and multiple process are not found in the data. Based on calculations, the researcher concluded that derivation is the dominant type of word formation that appears in The Movie Script “The Flash”.</em></p> Almira Devany, Diana Sopha Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 10:29:39 +0000 MORAL VALUES IN JOHANNA SPYRI NOVEL “HEIDI” <p><em>The aim of this first research was to identify the types of moral values in Johanna Spyri Heidi novel based on Buzan theory. Second, to find out&nbsp; how the moral value contained in the novel Heidi is relevant to the current context and cultural context. This research used qualitative research methods with descriptive types. The results of this research show that there are 11 types of moral values in Heidi novel such as the moral value of bravery, humbleness, honesty, steadfastnes, love and affection, beeing sympathetic to others, </em><em>cooperativeness</em><em>, </em><em>thankfulness</em><em>, </em><em>trustworthiness</em><em>, sincerity, kind-heartedon each character in the novel. The moral values in Heidi novel are still relevant to today context, although it were written in the 19<sup>th</sup> century, but can be applied to everyday life such as kindness and beeing sympathy to others, the simple life, independent and bravery, optimism and positive attitude.</em></p> Dea Deffiar, Ratna Sari Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 10:38:13 +0000 THE MAIN IDEAS OF INDONESIAN FOLKLORES: THE ONION AND THE GARLIC, THE MALIN KUNDANG AND THE GOLDEN CUCUMBER <p><em>The research studies the main ideas by using qualitative descriptive method in Indonesian Folklore: The Onion And The Garlic, The Malin Kundang, And The Golden Cucumber. Indonesian Folklore is just the same as other stories, starting with an introduction, accompanied by a body of essay and ended by conclusion. The sequence of events that occur in the story is about the specific ideas of the folklore that begins by introducing the folklore. The Introduction of Indonesian folklore provides some general ideas related to the topic. The last paragraph of the folklore is the conclusion delivering some valuable moral lessons to take based on the ideas or meanings of the folklore. The main ideas of a story are the central themes or concepts that the writer wants the reader to understand or take away from the folklores. These ideas are often expressed through the plot, characters, and themes of the story. To identify the main ideas of a story, readers can ask questions such as "What is the story about?" and "What is the overall message or theme of the story?" Some stories may focus on more than one idea, while others may focus on a single idea. Understanding the main ideas of the Indonesian Folklores &nbsp;will make the readers to better understand and appreciate them.</em></p> Diana Sopha, Vera Kristiana, Muhammad Danial Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 10:54:53 +0000 SPEECH ACT IN ROBERT ZEMECKIS MOVIE SCREENPLAY “FORREST GUMP” <p><em>In this thesis entitled Speech Act in Robert Zemeckis Movie Screenplay "Forrest Gump", the researcher will examine the use of speech acts used in the movie. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. This movie screenplay was chosen because there are many speech acts that occur in the dialogue. The theory used in data analysis uses pragmatic theory. The aim of this research is to analyze dialogues that contain speech acts, then classify them based on the type of speech act, namely locutionary acts and illocutionary acts. After analyzing the data, there are three types of locutionary acts, namely declarative, imperative and interrogative. Then there are five types of illocutionary acts, namely representative, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative which are found in the movie screenplay of this movie.</em></p> Dimas Dwi Putra, Diana Sopha Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:09:56 +0000 LANGUAGE STYLE IN THE SONG LYRIC TAKING IT BACK BY MEGHAN TRAINOR <p><em>Language used to convey meaning in the form of communication, literature, and also in the creation of a written work. In the language there are language styles that are used to add aesthetics of speech or writing.&nbsp;This also applies to lyric of a song, because the lyrics are a written work. To find out the use of the language styles, the researcher analyzed the lyrics of the song Taking It Back by Meghan Trainor. This research use qualitative research and analysed the data with Gorys Keraf's theory which states that language style consists of two aspects that are &nbsp;language style based on the structure of sentences and&nbsp; language stylebased on meaning. There are nineteen songs that analysed thenseventeen types of language style that identificated in it. Repititionis widely &nbsp;identified in every lyrics.There are three types of Repition in this research that are Epizeuxis, Anaphora,and Epistroph. The researcher found sixteen another language style based on meaning &nbsp;with Denotation and Connotation meaning in each lyrics. There are Irony, Sinism, Sarcasm, Paradox, Antithesis,&nbsp; Hyperboles, Apofasis, Simile, Aliteration, Methapore, Asonantion,&nbsp; Eponym, Satire,&nbsp; Epitet,&nbsp; Personification and&nbsp; Alution. </em></p> Muftia Zakia Mawaddah, Dewi Nurmala Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:18:41 +0000 THE BETRAYAL IN THE FILM, MALEFICENT BY ROBERT STROMBERG: FEMINISM APPROACH <p><em>This research aims to find out the types of betrayal and the impact of betrayal committed by Stefan character against Maleficent and Aurora through the Feminism approach. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. The data used is Maleficent 2014 movie by Robert Stomberg. In this research, the analysis is also conducted using Radical Feminism theory to find out how the action reflects the dynamics of patriarchal power and exploitation of women depicted in Maleficent. The results show that the form of betrayal of Stefan consists of 4 types, namely lying, pretending to love, breaking promises, and breaking trust and the impact of betrayal is 6, namely anger, sadness, hatred, depression, irritation, and emotional. This study found that in the context of Betrayal and Feminism in the movie "Maleficent" shows how patriarchal power exploits women and how betrayal impacts women directly.</em></p> Pinka Yani, Ayu Melati Ningsih Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:30:42 +0000 TRIGGER OF IMPOLITENESS LANGUAGE IN POLITICAL COMMENTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA <p><em>This current study is concerned with cyber pragmatics that analyzes the trigger of language impoliteness on social media, which is used by netizens in political comments. Instagram and Facebook are the media interactions that contain impolite comments. The main theory used in this study is impoliteness theory pioneered by Culpeper (2011) which explains that impoliteness is communication behavior that intends to attack the face of the interlocutor. The method used is a qualitative method. Data is collected using note-taking techniques through screen capture and data is obtained through a questionnaire in the form of a Google form. The results of data analysis based on the most dominant or first triggering factor were criticized with 36% (n=36), factors showing feelings of disappointment as much as 31% (n=31) with political discourse in different situations. The third trigger factor is a form of incongruity as much as (n=17), then the fourth trigger factor is as dislike as much as (n=7), the fifth trigger factor is as a result of anger as much as (n=4), the sixth trigger factor is forms of incompatibility as many as (n=3), and the least frequency of triggering factors are forms of distrust and annoyance respectively as many as (n=1). Based on the results of data analysis from the research problem, there are several functions of linguistic impoliteness, namely to criticize, be sarcastic, and express anger and disappointment.</em></p> Rosmita Ambarita Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:39:02 +0000 CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR IN THE POETRY COLLECTION LOVE LETTERS FOR THE FUTURE YOU BY ADI K : COGNITIVE SEMANTICS STUDY <p><em>This research aims to find out the types of conceptual metaphors and then describe the meanings of these types of conceptual metaphors. This research uses the theory of Conceptual Metaphor from Lakoff and Jhonson (2003) followed by the study of Cognitive Semantics. This research uses qualitative research methods. The data used in this research is a poetry collection book entitled Love Letters for the Future You by Adi K. The results of this study show that there are 3 types of Conceptual Metaphors, namely Structural Metaphors, Orientational Metaphors, and Ontological Metaphors based on the theory of Lakoff and Jhonson (2003). This study found 4 data of Conceptual Metaphor of Structural Metaphor type. In addition, this study found 3 data of Conceptual Metaphor from the type of Orientational Metaphor. And finally, this study found 3 data of Conceptual Metaphor of Ontological Metaphor type. </em></p> Wais Al Qorni, Rezky Khoirina Tarihoran Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:47:19 +0000