Journal of English Language and Literature2025-02-03T03:14:26+00:00PJELLsastrainggrisumnaw436@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Philology: Journal Of English Language and Literature publishes academic articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, disciplines, and more. The journal invites submission of Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; Literature, Linguistics, translation and Teaching English as Foreign Language. The articles must be written in English but the abstract must be written in English and Indonesian. Philology: Journal Of English Language and Literature is published twice a year in February and August by English Literature Department, Faculty Of Letters, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah. The publication of this journal aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas and the research findings obtained in the field of Literature and English Education.</p> ANALYSIS OF CONTRACTION IN VOICE NOTE ALBUM BY CHARLIE PUTH2025-02-03T03:14:24+00:00Ajeng Tria Wasesha Pasha Salsabilanoemail@gmail.comMuhammad Danialnoemail@gmail.comFarah Syakilanoemail@gmail.comDewi<p><em>Song language functions as a means of expressing emotions, conveying messages, strengthening themes, creating beauty, building atmosphere, motivating listeners, and strengthening cultural ties and community identity. Song lyrics are written works describing experiences, feelings, and stories with explicit and implied content. To find out the construction, researchers analyzed voice notes by Charlie Puth. This research uses qualitative research and analyses data using Wolcott's theory, which states that language style consists of two aspects: language style based on sentence structure and language style based on meaning. There are thirteen songs in the voice note album; analyze all thirteen. Contraction involves joining two free morphemes, where one becomes bound, forming a single morpheme. The constructions analysed are finite constructions and non-finite constructions. The results are that </em><em>there are 29 finite contractions, and 22 non-finite contractions</em> <em>found</em>.</p>2025-02-02T03:52:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature OF THE ASSURE MODEL AND SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS FOR STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITAS HARAPAN MEDAN2025-02-03T03:14:24+00:00Ayu Melati Kristiananoemail@gmail.comYayuk<p><em>This research aims to analyze the application of the ASSURE model and Self-Directed Learning in improving English speaking skills for students at Universitas Harapan Medan. The ASSURE model, which involves analyzing student needs, setting objectives, selecting media and materials, and evaluation, is integrated with the Self-Directed Learning approach, which encourages students to actively manage their own learning process. This research uses an experimental method with a pre-test and post-test design to measure changes in students' English- speaking abilities after the implementation of both models. The research results show that the implementation of the ASSURE model and Self-Directed Learning significantly improves students' English-speaking skills. Students become more confident and able to express their ideas more fluently and accurately. Thus, both approaches have proven effective in improving English speaking skills among students at Universitas Harapan Medan.</em></p>2025-02-02T04:07:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature SPEAKING COMPREHENSTION PROBLEM AT SMP ULUMUL QUR’AN MEDAN2025-02-03T03:14:24+00:00Cynthia WulandariCynthiawulandari.guci@gmail.comSry Rahayu Ningshihnoemail@gmail.comGindo Tua Nainggolannoemail@gmail.comRizki Omilia Purnamanoemail@gmail.comHarianto II Harianto<p><em>Speaking skill considered in this study is the communication skill that students acquire to communicate, express opinions, convey information to others, and understand communication content. Speaking is one of the most important language abilities to acquire, and the integration of other language abilities shows how important speaking is. By assisting pupils in expanding their vocabulary and grammar, it improves the reinforcement of other abilities. Students can communicate their thoughts and feelings, tell tales, make requests, engage in dialogue, and exhibit a variety of linguistic abilities through speaking exercises. Speaking is a useful skill that allows students to convey, defend, and explain their ideas. Additionally, speaking proficiency is defined as the ability to produce words, phrases, and sentences. </em></p>2025-02-02T04:21:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature STUDY OF SENTENCES TYPES IN EVERYDAY IS CHRISTMAS ALBUM BY SIA2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Muhammad Nazma Zafiranoemail@gmail.comRezky Khoirina Tarihorannoemail@gmail.comRatna Sari<p><em>English is one of the languages recognized as an international language. English brings people from all across the world together. Everyday is Christmas is Sia's eighth and debut studio album, released on November 17, 2017, by Atlantic Records and Monkey Puzzle. This study aims to examine imperative, declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences, as explained above. This study adds to the scholarly debate on linguistics and improves our understanding of how sentences work within the lyrical context of Everyday is Christmas Album. For additional inquiry, employ a qualitative method by presenting data in table form and discussing the findings. Overall, this study stresses the importance of sentence patterns in English and provides insight into their use in song lyrics. </em></p>2025-02-02T04:34:23+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature READING COMPREHENSION MATERIALS BASED ON OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION (OBE) FOR ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMA AL-WASHLIYAH 12 SEI RAMPAH IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-20242025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Febri Risma Arfantinoemail@gmail.comRisnawaty Risnawatynoemail@gmail.comAsnawi<p><em>Reading comprehension is crucial for learning English, and teachers need to improve their teaching methods. Outcome-Based Education focuses on essential skills for students to succeed, requiring creativity in delivering learning materials using interesting media and methods. The research focused on the development, validation, and effectiveness of reading comprehension materials using Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for Grade Eleventh students at SMA AL WASHLIYAH 12 SEI RAMPAH. The study involved 15 students and used various techniques, including study literacy, interviews, observation, group discussion, and documentation. The research using </em><em>quantitative descriptive techniques that described the application of learning media. The results showed successful development with an average increase of 9.13% and a passing rate of 86.66%. The method was also proven valid with an average score of 4.1 and effective with an Ngain percentage score of 81.94%.</em></p>2025-02-02T04:45:35+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature ANALYSIS OF TRANSITION IN BBC DESTINATION’S NEWS ARTICLES2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Intan Prameswariintanprameswari2403@gmail.comDiana<p><em>English is a global language widely used for communication in various fields, including education, business, and media. In written texts, particularly in news article, the structure and clarity of language are critical in conveying information effectively to diverse audiences. In writing an article needs transitions which help the ideas of the text flow logically and cohesively, and create a smoother, clearer, more cohesive piece of writing from sentence to sentence. Transitions are bridges between what has been read and what is about to be read. Transitions help readers move from sentence to sentence. Understanding these transitions is crucial for comprehending the current state of news articles. Transition theory used in this research is based on Diana hacker (2002). Transitions in this research news’s article based on BBC Destination’s news. News’s articles in this research limited to 6 news articles. The titles are: An eerie portal to the Maya underworld, Australia's X-rated underwater show, India's 10,000 forgotten mansions, The five best things to do in Boston's Seaport District, Saudi’s lineage of interior stylists and What did Stonehenge sound like?.</em></p>2025-02-03T01:49:20+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature VALUE FOUND IN THE MOVIE “DEAD POETS SOCIETY” BY PETER WEIR2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Jusuf Gatra Gintinggatraginting96@gmail.comVera<p><em>The aim for this research first to identify the types of moral values in the movie Dead Poets Society by Peter Weir. Second, to find out how these values shape the characters' journeys and contribute to the film’s overall message of individuality, integrity, and the importance of pursuing one's passions despite societal pressures. This research used qualitative research method with descriptive types. The result of this research show that there are 9 types of moral values in Dead Poets Society such as the moral value of bravery, honesty, steadfastness, sympathy for others, cooperativeness, thankfulness, kind-heartedness, trustworthiness, and love and affection.</em></p>2025-02-03T02:07:54+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature ROLE OF ENGLISH COMMUNICATION IN TRAVEL INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Noni Andrianinoniandriani999@gmail.comFitri Farhani Fidyalokanoemail@gmail.comAlisia Hamidah Silotonoemail@gmail.comVera<p><em>This research explores the central role of communication English in the internship experience of English Literature students in the tourism sector. Using a qualitative approach, this study aims to understand how students apply their English language skills in a real work context, and how those skills contribute to their success in internships. Through a case study, this research analyzes the internship experience of a student at an international travel company. Research results show that English language skills are not only important to communicate effectively, but also to build a positive image of the company and strengthen professional networks. This research highlights The importance of preparing students with comprehensive communication skills, including the ability to adapt to various communication contexts and understand different cultural nuances.</em></p>2025-02-03T02:29:01+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature EFFECTIVENESS OF ICE AGE 3 CARTOON CLIP IN SPEAKING AT PPLG ELEVENTH GRADE OF SMK N 3 METRO2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Rizki Nurlidia Oktipianoemail@gmail.comAulia Hanifah Qomarauliahanifahqomar@gmail.comRefai<p><em>Speaking is necessary for students to communicate with others. It is necessary to master the speaking skill by bringing English learning experiences into practice. This research aims to find out whether the ice age 3 cartoons is effective and significantly for PPLG eleventh grade students’ speaking skill at SMK N 3 Metro. This research used Quasi-Experimental Design. The sample of this research is class XI PPLG-A as the experimental class and class PPLG-B as the control class using the Random Sampling method. PPLG-A consists of 32 students as an experimental class and PPLG-B consists of 32 students as a control class. The results of the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test in first hypothesis, the sig value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). Ha is accepted. There is an effect of ice age 3 cartoon to support the students of PPLG eleventh grade speaking skill at SMK N 3 Metro. The Mann-Whitney U-Test in second hypothesis test, the sig value is 0.000, which is less than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05). Ha is accepted. There is significance of ice age 3 cartoon to support the students of PPLG eleventh grade speaking ability at SMK N 3 Metro. This research concluded that the Ice Age 3 cartoon clip has been proven to be an effective and significant method to improve speaking skills among eleventh grade PPLG students at SMK N 3 Metro. Future researchers should examine the long-term effects of multimedia devices on language acquisition to better understand their lasting impact on students’ speaking skills.</em></p>2025-02-03T02:48:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature ENGLISH WRITING MATERIALS BASED ON FISHBONE TECHNIQUE FOR GRADE X STUDENTS OF SMKS AL WASHLIYAH 12 SEI RAMPAH2025-02-03T03:14:25+00:00Rizky Surya Tambusainoemail@gmail.comAhmad Laut Hasibuannoemail@gmail.comDidik<p><em>The research aimed to develop and determine the effectiveness of the Fishbone method for improving student writing skills. This study incorporates development research as a research design. The process encompasses a research and development (R&D) cycle that includes processes such as research findings analysis, field testing, and revision. This method is used to remedy faults discovered during the field test stage. The study involved Grade Eleventh students at SMA AL WASHLIYAH 12 SEI RAMPAH, using the Ishikawa Diagram as a visual tool. The research used techniques such as study literacy, interview, observation, group discussion, and documentation. The results showed that the Fishbone method could improve student writing skills by 50%, accurately describe student needs, and be more effective than common methods. The mean percentage improvement in the experimental class was 61,39%, while in the control class it was only 30,66%.</em></p>2025-02-03T03:13:13+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PHILOLOGY Journal of English Language and Literature