Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics <p style="text-align: justify;">The issues of English language teaching keeps being a major focus discussed by scholars in education area. Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL) is established by Magister of English language Education study program, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah. IJEAL is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on English language teaching, and applied linguistics. IJEAL invites all the researchers and authors to submit the research articles, conceptual papers, brief reports, book reviews both in EFL and ESL context from all over the world. The publication will be carried out twice a year through the reviewing processes and it matters the plagiarism, readability, relevance, and quality. IJEAL is open-access; authors are charged fee to enable us to make online and printed versions.</p> Magister of English language Education study program, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah en-US Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2809-557X Debate Technique Implementation on Students’ Speaking Skill Acceleration <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of debate techniques on the speaking skills of grade XI students at SMA Al- Washliyah Medan in the 2022/2023 academic year. Speaking skills are an important aspect in involving grade XI students as samples. The results showed that the use of debate techniques significantly improved students' speaking ability. The average pre-test score of the experimental group was 61.32, while the average post-test score increased to 74.73, with English learning, and debate techniques identified as an effective method to improve this ability, especially in vocabulary and pronunciation aspects. This study used a pre-test and post-test experimental design, with an increase of 22%. The t- test results also showed a higher value than the t-table (68.09&gt; 2.023), indicating a significant difference before and after treatment. The conclusion of this study is that the debate technique provides a positive contribution to improving alternative skills in teaching English speaking to create a speaking environment for students. It is recommended that teachers consider using this technique as a more interactive and dynamic learning. Because the debate technique not only improves students' speaking skills, but also motivates them to think critically and be more confident in delivering arguments.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nurjana Pratiwi Wariyati Wariyati Teguh Satria Amin Asnawi Asnawi Nurlaili Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 1 1 8 10.32696/ijeal.v4i1.4222 Developing English-Speaking Materials for Broadcasting Students by Applying Project-Based Learning <p>Project-based&nbsp;Learning is the most appropriate teaching method suggested in Curriculum 2013. It consistsed of effective methods and integrated processes that assist vocational school students in overcome their English-learning difficulties. The problems in SMK SWASTA Dwi Tunggal 1 are English-speaking Materials for Broadcasting students are not specific, not integrated with Project-based Learning completely. The objective of the research is To increase the students English speaking skill.&nbsp;The subjects of the research consisted of 16 students.&nbsp;This research was categorized as research and development. It was undertaken&nbsp;to develop English-Speaking material for Broadcasting Major. In this research, the design of research that has been applied is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). the result of computation in N-Gain test, the average was 0.731, that means normal index criteria of N-Gain are accepted. Because it was higher than 0.7. So,&nbsp;the researcher concluded that developing English speaking materials by implementing project-based learning for broadcasting students is effective. It can be seen from the result of the means improvement between pre-test and post-test in class X from broadcasting major in SMK Dwi Tunggal. the mean of pre-test was 59.6 and the mean post-test was 89. Because of the pre-test was higher than post-test, so the model that applied in class X in developing English speaking materials is a good model and affect students’ speaking skill.</p> maghfirah annisa Nazriani Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 4 1 9 16 10.32696/ijeal.v4i1.4231 Factors Affecting Medical Students’ Performance in Reading Text <p>Medical students must be able to read English texts in order to have a broader understanding. However, there are a number of obstacles that medical students face when reading English texts, preventing them from achieving the goal of reading—to expand one's knowledge. The purpose of this study was to find out what influences medical medical students ability to read English texts. In this study, questionnaires were used for quantitative research. Syntax, vocabulary, word meaning, sociocultural knowledge, nervousness, and time pressure are among the factors that influence medical students ability to read English texts, according to the findings of this study. To improve medical medical students ability to read English texts, the findings of this study suggested that specific aspects must be focused on and taken into consideration.</p> Debora Mei Sawita Sihombing Yenita Br Sembiring Elpriska Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 4 1 17 22 10.32696/ijeal.v4i1.4333 Designing Supplementary English Reading Material Based on Pos Bloc Medan <p>One of the causes of the lack of interest in reading is the lack of interesting reading materials. This study developed reading materials based on Pos Bloc Medan, a historic building in Medan, Indonesia that was transformed from a post office to a Pos Bloc. Creating new reading materials in the world of education is an important step to improve the quality of learning, expand access to knowledge, encourage innovation and creativity, and increase student engagement and motivation. This study aims to design new reading materials for students and college students to facilitate learning. The development technique used is descriptive qualitative and data collection is carried out by document analysis, observation and interviews. These findings provide important implications for the development of educational reading materials based on local culture in Indonesia</p> Yenita Br Sembiring Gusty Bella Raskita br Butar-Butar Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 4 1 23 28 10.32696/ijeal.v4i1.4332 Teacher Experiences in Teaching Reading Comprehension: A Qualitative Study in English Classes at UPT SMP Negeri 10 Medan <p>This study aims to analyze teachers' experiences in teaching reading comprehension in English classes at UPT SMP Negeri 10 Medan. This research employs a qualitative approach using interviews, observations, and a Likert-scale-based questionnaire to explore various aspects of reading comprehension instruction. The main focus of this study includes the strategies used by teachers, the effectiveness of learning media, student engagement in interactive activities, and the challenges faced in understanding reading texts. The findings indicate that teachers employ various strategies such as skimming and scanning, group discussions, and role-playing to enhance students' reading comprehension. The use of learning media such as videos, images, and mind mapping has been proven to help students better understand texts. Group discussions are also an effective method for improving reading skills, particularly in fostering a deeper understanding of texts. However, this study also reveals several challenges, including limited vocabulary, low reading interest, and difficulties in comprehending complex text structures. The implications of this study highlight the importance of utilizing diverse and innovative teaching methods to cater to students' needs. Additionally, vocabulary enrichment and the selection of reading materials relevant to students' lives can enhance their motivation and comprehension of English texts.</p> Uni Tripina Ginting Yenita Br Sembiring Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 4 1 29 36 10.32696/ijeal.v4i1.4331