The Obstacles Faced by Indonesian TOEFL Test Takers

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annisa zahra
Ayu Dyah Anggraini
Dea Nirwanda Putri


The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an exam that determines whether a student whose native
language is not English has strong enough English skills to succeed incourses at a college or university in the
United States or Canada (S. Kim, 2021; Smart, 2019).This study aims to analyze test taker’s obstacles in TOEFL
by Indonesian and specificly the researcher analyzes it with a English lecturer in University of Muslim Nusantara Al
Washliyah, Medan. It is through answering the questionnare based on someone’s expertised. This research approach
is qualitative method and a narrative approach with asking for five questions. Interviewis done through via message
as collecting data. The questions are Why do you need to study about TOEFL?, What do you have any obstacles during
studying TOEFL?, After studying TOEFL, what are your wishes?, What is your motivation for studying TOEFL?, How
long you study about TOEFL?. Based on the questions that is aksed by researchers, researchers hope that it is going
tobe as reflection for someone who wants to join up in TOEFL.
Keywords: English Skills, Test Takers, TOEFL, Analysis


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