Exploring Students’ Difficulties in Writing English Focused on Voabulary

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Fitria Erine
Alvi Rahmatika
Lela Safitri


This study aims to determine the difficulties faced by students in understanding English texts, the factors causing the students to have difficulty in understanding English texts and then formulate the most dominant factors influencing the students in understanding English texts. This study used descriptive qualitative methods and the participants of the research was grade 10 students of MAS Al Washliyah 22 Tembung consisting of 4 students. The data were collected through interview, and they were analyzed by performing data reduction, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that students have several difficulties in understanding English texts because they are lack of interes,, lack of concentration and focus, and lack of mastery of strategies and methods of understanding English texts. Finally, it was concluded that the dominant cause of students' difficulty in understanding English texts was the lack of vocabulary mastery. In addition, it was found that some students had difficulty understanding English texts due to not having the right reading strategies, lack of vocabulary mastery, lack of grammar understanding, and they are not having  regular reading habit.


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