Pengembangan Media Monopoli Pada Pembelajaran Tema Benda di Sekitarku Siswa Kelas III SD
This research is entitled Development of Monopoly Media in Learning the Theme of Objects Around Me. This study aims to: (1) develop monopoly learning media on the theme of objects around me for third grade elementary school students, (2) produce monopoly learning media that are worthy of being developed on the theme of objects around me. This research is a type of R&D development research (Research and development) using the EDDIE development model which includes 5 stages, namely: Analysis (analysis), Design (Design), Development (development), Implementation (implementation), and Evaluation (evaluation). But this research is only up to three stages, namely only up to the Development . The subjects in this study were material expert validators, media validators, learning experts (third grade teachers). The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire or questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in this study is quantitative data in the form of scores from research through a questionnaire, this quantitative data analysis technique is in the validation process carried out in the form of numbers with a Likert scale score reference. Based on the analysis of the data obtained through the validity test of material experts, media experts, and teacher responses. The results of the material expert validation are a score of 90 including the good/decent category, the media expert validation results are a score of 90 including the good/decent category, and the class teacher's response III, which is a value of 100 including the good/very decent category. Based on the percentage of material experts, media experts, and the teacher's response, then the average score was calculated with a score of 95 included in the category of very good / very suitable for use in the learning process.
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