UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) 2023-02-09T08:48:29+00:00 - Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">UMNEEJ E-ISSN. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2987-4203</a> is a scientific journal published by the English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah, This journal aims to accommodate articles of research results in the field of English education as well as to promote knowledge-building and problem-solving in the field and to make scientific works in relevant research areas accessible to the public. UMNEEJ invites all the researchers and authors to submit the research articles, conceptual papers, brief reports, book reviews both in EFL and ESL context from all over the world. The publication will be carried out twice a year through the reviewing processes and it matters the plagiarism, readability, relevance, and quality. UMNEEJ is open-access; authors are charged fee to enable us to make online and printed versions.</p> The Effect Of Playing Card Technique Towards Students’ English Writing Skill 2023-02-09T08:48:28+00:00 Rati Afrikaningsih Zulfitri Zulfitri <p><em>The object of this research is to discuss students' English writing skills by using playing cards techniqu</em><em>e. </em><em>This research was conducted at SMK Nur Hasanah 2 Medan. Research consisting of two classes. In the sample, the researcher chose class X-1 which consisted of 20 students as the experimental group and class X-2 which consisted of 20 students as the control group. The total is 40 students. During this study, the researcher has discovered the importance of the effect of which effect in the experimental class using playing cards technique. Students have obtained good grades, but in the control class students get low grades. In this study, the results showed that the experimental group's average was better than the control group's average. Mx = 16 while My = 12 where t (impact) = 1.801. After the data is analyzed, it turns out that the alternative hypothesis or Ha is accepted. From these data it can be concluded that there is an influence on the importance of students' English writing skills by using playing cards technique. In the teaching process, especially in the students' English writing skills.</em></p> 2023-02-09T07:55:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) Students' Anxiety In Speaking English at SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan 2023-02-09T08:48:28+00:00 Andra Asnawi Asnawi <p><em>The purpose of this study was to find out what types of anxiety students experience when speaking English, then the factors that cause anxiety in speaking in English, and why speaking anxiety can occur in students at SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, where the data is taken based on the results of observations, filling out questionnaires, and interviews with several students. The research subjects consisted of eleventh grade IPA at SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan. The results of this study indicate that there are two types of anxiety experienced by students when speaking English, the first is state anxiety and the second is trait anxiety. Then there are three factors that cause anxiety including, communication of apprehension, test anxiety, and finally fear of negative evaluations. On the other hand, the causes why anxiety arises in students include trauma from past events where the response from people around students makes students lose their confidence, which makes students feel anxious when speaking English.</em></p> 2023-02-09T08:07:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Correlation Between Reading And The Ability Of Students In Expository Writing 2023-02-09T08:48:28+00:00 Adelina Siregar Yugi Diraga Prawiyata <p><em>Reading is one of skills in English which can get and take the infromation from printed text. Based on preliminary reasearch at SMP Negeri 1 PantaiLabu it was found that the students’ reading score was still low. The objective of this research was to know there was apositive correlation between the students’ reading and the ability at the first semesterof the seven grade of SMP Negeri 1 PantaiLabuin the academic year of 2019/2020. In this research, methodology of the research is a correlation research. In the taking the sample of the research was gained through simple random sampling. The population of the research was taken from students of the seven grade of SMP Neger 1 PantaiLabu The researcher took 40 students from 100 population. In collecting the data, the researcher used question and answer method to measure students’ reading and the ability. Thetry out of question and answer was done to find out the validity and reliability. Then a try out reading ability test was also done to find out the validity and reliability. After the data of students’ reading ability were collected, the data were statistically computed, to find out the correlation between students’ reading and the ability. From the data analysis, the result of applying the distribution shows thatcoefficient correlation is possitive correlation between students’ reading and the ability of students in expository writing at the first semester of the seven grade of SMP Negeri 1 PantaiLabuin academic year of 2019/2020. From this research, it is suggesed that students have good a reading ability.</em></p> 2023-02-09T08:12:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Acquisition Of English Vocabularies By Five Years Old Student Through Spelling Bee Game At Dd2 Education Centre 2023-02-09T08:48:28+00:00 Siti Yohana Yulia Sari Harahap <p><em>The objective of this research was</em><em> to find out how the process of mastering English vocabulary through spelling bee games in five-year-old students at the DD2 Education Centre. The </em><em>objectives of this research were </em><em>(1) to find out how the process of acquiring English vocabulary through spelling bee games for</em><em> five-year-old</em><em> students at the DD2 Education Centre (2) to describe the factors that influence students in acquiring English vocabularyat the DD2 Education Centre.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative case </em><em>research</em><em> design with ethnography to find out the answer to the research problem. The population of the </em><em>research</em><em> was children attending the DD2 Education Centre. Researchers sampled one class where the CALISTUNG class consisted of four students. The authors make observations and documentation to identify all classroom activities and interviews to find out how the teaching and learning process is, and the development of children's </em><em>English</em><em> vocabulary mastery during their studies at the DD2 Education Centre. The samples in this </em><em>research</em><em> were determined using purposive sampling techniques with the results of the subjects being four children and four parents.&nbsp; The findings of this </em><em>research</em><em> show some of the following points: First, the teacher has an important role in the mastery of children's English vocabulary. secondly, In English teaching, the teacher teaches starting from how to pronounce and spell it, knowing its meaning, how to write and use it. Third, teachers become models and resources for children in learning English, making the material easy to understand and also using simple language for children and teachers use Spelling Bee Game as a learning method. Fourth, Spelling Bee Game is very effective in helping students improve students' language mastery.</em></p> 2023-02-09T08:18:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Use Of Computer Assisted Language Learning (Call) As Instructional Media English To Increase Listening Comprehension At First Grade Smp Lestari Beringin 2023-02-09T08:48:29+00:00 Eki Julyati Nurlaili Nurlaili <p><em>The research aimed to know whether CALL model has any effect in increase students’ listening comprehension at First Grade of SMP Lestari Beringin. This research employed action research (CAR) design with pre test, treatment and post test design. The subject of this research was the first grade of SMP Lestari Beringin in academic year 2022/2023 which consisted 60 students which is divided into two classes namely experiment class and controlled class. The experimental class applied in VII-A, and for the controlled class used VII-B. The research had been done in six meetings that were designed; first meeting was for pre-test, 4 meetings were for treatments, and the last meeting was for post-test. The findings of this research indicated that the use of CALL model has any effect in increase students’ listening comprehension. It can be concluded that in the experimental class there is a difference between the pre-test and post-test scores and the value is higher than the control class. The experimental class data, the scores were pre-test (51.8) and post-test (71.2) with an increase in listening comprehension of 37.45%. While, the controlled class got a pre-test score (51.2) and the post-test were (57) with an increase listening comprehension of 11.33%. Finally, it is stated that computer-assisted language learning is effective in teaching listening comprehension to students.</em></p> 2023-02-09T08:21:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Effectiveness Of Applying Mind Mapping Strategy On The Students’ Speaking Ability Of Sma Dharma Bakti Medan 2023-02-09T08:48:29+00:00 Selli Selvia Pinem Yulia Sari Harahap <p><em>This research is concerned with applying mind mapping strategy in increasing students’ speaking ability. The aim of the research is to find out if applying mind mapping strategy increases the students’ speaking ability. The research is conducted by experimental method. The population of the research is the tenth grade of SMA Dharma Bakti Medan in academic year 2021-2022. They consist of 120 students and the sample consist of 80 students then divided in two groups, 40 students as experimental group and 40 students as control group. The experimental group is taught by applying mind mapping strategy and the control group without applying mind mapping strategy. The writer uses oral test communication as instrument of the research. The test is explain the students exercise sheet. The score of the test obtained from fluency, pronunciation and comprehension. After applying the test to the students, the writes analyzed the data by using the formula of t-test commonly used. After calculating and analyzing the data, it is concluded that is higher that (5.55&gt;1.66). it showed that there is a significant difference. The pre-test mean score of experimental is 50.38 and post-test is 76.80, the difference 26.42. the value is bigger than (5.55&gt; 1.66) degree freedom is 70, and the level of significance is 0.05. the result is applying mind mapping strategy gives significant effect on the students’ speaking ability. Concerning the result of t-test above, it shows that applying mind mapping strategy can increase the students’ speaking ability. It is concluded the hypothesis of this study is accepted.</em></p> 2023-02-09T08:23:53+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Effect Of Using Pictures On Students’ Procedural Text Writing Skills Mastery Et Elva Sofyan Risky Ananda Junior High School 2023-02-09T08:48:29+00:00 Suyanti Suyanti Teguh Satria Amin <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using pictures as a medium on students' writing skills. This research was conducted at the Elva Sofyan Riski Anada school foundation. The samples used in this study were class VIII A and B divided into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. taken by using total sampling technique. The experimental group (VIII A) consisted of 25 students and the control group (VIII B) consisted of 25 students. The experimental group was taught using media Pictures while the control group was taught by the Conventional Method. The instrument for collecting data is a written test. Based on the calculations, the test reliability was 0.90. Data were analyzed using the t-test formula. Based on data analysis, it was obtained that the t-observed value was 7.00 with a degree of freedom (df) = 48 at a significance level of p (0.05). This means that t-observed is higher than t-table (7.00 2.01). The results of this study indicate that media images have a significant effect on student achievement in writing procedural text.</p> 2023-02-09T08:26:12+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL) The Effect Of Using Fly Swatter Game As The Media In Teaching Vocabulary At Seventh Grade Of Mts Al-Washliyah Medan 2023-02-09T08:48:29+00:00 Nurmila Cahyani Harahap Zulfitri Zulfitri <p><em>The research aimed to find out the effect of using fly swatter game as the media in teaching vocabulary. This research was conducted by using experimental method. The experimental method designed were used two classes which were taught two different media. The experiment class was taught with media fly swatter game, and the control class was taught without media fly swatter game. The subject of this research was grade VII of MTs Al-Washliyah Medan Academic Year 2021/2022. The population of students consisted of 160 students; the sample was 50 students (25 students’ experimental class and 25 students’ control class). This research was conducted through the following procedures : giving pre-test, applying treatments, and giving post-test. The test is multiple choices and essay, which consist of 20 items to both of experimental group and control group in pre-test and post-test. The data was analyzed by using T-test formula. The result of the research there was a difference score between students’ score in learning vocabulary by using fly swatter game and without fly swatter game. The mean score of control class, pre-test got 37 and post-test got 56,2 and for the mean score of experimental class, pre-test got 50,8 and post-test got 79,2. The result that found in this research t observed was 15.578 and t table 2.0106. In conclusion, fly swatter game effectively be used to teach vocabulary learning of seven grade students of MTs. Al-Washliyah Medan. </em></p> 2023-02-09T08:29:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 UMNEEJ (UNIVERSITAS MUSLIM NUSANTARA ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL)